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spider vein

Are varicose veins and spider veins hereditary?

Do you need to expect vein conditions if your parents have vein problems? Which vein diseases run in families? This article explains different vein problems plus genes related to vascular disease and effective ways to stop or correct vein issues. The Differences Between Varicose Veins and Spider Veins. Varicose Veins: Varicose veins lead to leg...

varicose veins

Why do my varicose veins burn?

The Varicose vein burn affects patients. Most people notice visible skin changes from varicose veins but find it surprising when these veins cause intense throbbing pain. What leads patients to suffer discomfort from varicose veins How must these issues be dealt with? To fully understand these facts we will take a detailed look at the...

visible veins

Why are my veins so visible?

WHY ARE MY VEINS SO VISIBLE? Visible veins are usually not something to worry about. They can be seen with strenuous exercise, high temperatures, sun exposure, or warm garments. However, their definition may increase in individuals who are aging, have a hereditary predisposition, or are overweight.    What is a vein? A blood vessel that...

left leg pain and enlarged varicose veins

Top eight varicose vein risk factors

The term “varicose” is also named “varicocele” or” varicosities”. It is a condition in which some of the veins enlarge or swollen. A vein is twisted, and the pouch of skin is holding the testicles. It usually occurs in the legs. Varicose veins are caused by a buildup of blood due to malfunctioning valves in...

restless legs

Complete Guide to Restless Legs Syndrome

Primary restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a movement disorder characterized by an overactive urge to move the legs while resting. It can also cause itching, pulling, crawling, or throbbing sensations. Unfortunately, RLS has no known cure, but the symptoms can be managed.   How can Restless Legs Syndrome(RLS) be described?   Restless legs syndrome is...

pregnant woman

Varicose veins during pregnancy | Here’s our complete guide

Pregnancy is impressive, but it stinks because it turns your body into all kinds of weird colors. Women around the globe are not unaware that they are bound to gain some weight, their hands and feet will swell up, they will feel depressed and will not get proper sleep, and some unimaginable food cravings will...

swollen leg

Reason why only one of your legs is swollen

Have you ever wondered why your left leg is puffed up while the right one is normal? This is alarming, and it’s essential to know why there is swelling in one leg so that the proper remedy can be prescribed. According to medical terminology, swelling is edema, which refers to fluid within tissues. Both legs...

restoration vein care

Varicose and Spider Vein Treatment in Yuma

Many people are unaware that treatment for vein disease is covered by Insurance. When performed for medical reasons, treatment for venous disease  is covered by most insurance companies. The first line of treatment is endovenous ablation, laser ablation or chemical ablation (VenaSeal). Second line treatment options include phlebectomy, foam sclerotherapy, Varithena as well as visible...

beautiful women with great legs wearing a white and striped shirt

Compression Hose – What is The Correct Compression

I am often asked what is the correct compression for me? This is a brief summary of established guidelines in respect to medical compression. This guide is for information purposes only, the advice of your physician takes precedence. Compression Therapy Guide 8-15 mm Hg [Mild Compression) This level of compression provides relief and minimizes tired...

Before and After large bulgin varicose veins

Medical Treatment for Vein Disease

Lower-extremity venous insufficiency is a common medical condition affecting between 45-55% of adult women and 25-35% of adult men. Venous insufficiency typically results from primary valvular incompetence or less commonly from previous deep venous thrombosis. Venous insufficiency can lead to varicose veins that may be of cosmetic concern and cause symptoms such as extremity swelling,...