Dr. Paul Larson is a Phlebologist; Board Certified by the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine
Call Dr. Larson and Get Your Legs Back!
Patient Centered Approach to Treatment
The Vein Center of Arizona values your trust and utilizes a patient-centered approach to vein care. Venous insufficiency is a disease and early treatment of varicose veins and venous reflux will help prevent more advanced problems, such as permanent skin discoloration and skin ulceration. It may help reduce the chance of superficial venous thrombosis (painful blood clots), and deep venous thrombosis (DVT) – a dangerous medical condition. It will also help prevent the recurrence of varicose veins and spider veins in the future. Many people experience a bounce in their step and a renewed vigor to exercise and live a healthier lifestyle after receiving vein treatment. Dr. Paul Larson will assess your situation personally and develop a long-term treatment plan that fits your particular situation.
What is venous insufficiency?
Venous insufficiency is a condition where the flow of blood through the veins of the legs is impeded, causing blood to pool in the legs. Common vein disorders and symptoms that we treat here at Vein Center of Arizona are Varicose Veins, Spider Veins, Leg Swelling , Leg Pain, Stasis Dermatisis, Restless Legs, Deep Vein Thrombosis, and Venous Ulcers. The Vein Center of Arizona is dedicated to the treatment of vein disease.

Spider Veins
Spider veins (not to be confused with varicose veins) are dilated or stretched blood vessels that have a branching pattern and are commonly found on the thigh, lower leg and occasionally on the face. Spider veins are progressive in nature and usually increase in number and visibility with age. Sclerotherapy and laser vein treatments are used to treat these vessels, erasing them from your skin.
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Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins on the surface of the skin caused by weakening of the valves and veins in your legs. The body has over 60,000 miles of veins! Normally, one-way valves keep blood that is pushed up the leg by muscles from flowing back down the legs toward the feet. When these valves do not work as they should, blood does not get out of your legs, and the venous pressure builds up. Varicose veins are a sign that the venous pressure is increasing in the lower legs.
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Venous Ulcers
Venous ulcers are non-healing wounds that most commonly occur above the ankles. Advanced vein disease presents as venous ulcers that are classified as healing or non healing. A venous skin ulcer is a sore on your leg that’s very slow to heal, usually because of weak blood circulation in the limb. They can last anywhere from a few weeks to years. You may hear a doctor or nurse call them “venous leg ulcers.” Venous ulcers can lead to serious problems if untreated. Get Screened!
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Healthy Veins. Happy Clients.
At The Vein Center of Arizona, our clients love showing off the results of their treatments. Browse our Before and After gallery of photos to see some of the results we’ve achieved for our clients.

Patient Testimonials
“Dr. Larson is very thorough in explaining the process and made me feel comfortable. The procedure was smooth and I woke up and back to work the next day. Happy with results. I went to another Doctor 5 years ago for the same issues in my right leg and didn’t have a good experience during Nor post surgery. It was night and day with Dr. Larson! Thank you” – Kate
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Our team of qualified vein specialists will put the spring back into your step
According to the statistics, more than 20 million Americans have varicose veins, and it affects twice as more women than it does men. Though the ladies may be more concerned with the aesthetic component, varicose veins are more than just unsightly blemishes under the skin. They indicate a serious condition that is potentially dangerous to your overall health and may be even life-threatening if left untreated. For quite a long time, vein stripping and surgery were the only way to fix the problem. But thanks to modern technologies, there are now less invasive options available. The Vein Center of Arizona specialists offers innovative laser vein therapy that allows to forgo the general anesthesia and significantly minimize the downtime.
Leaving vein surgery in the past
We use the advanced VenaCure EVLTTM system for endovenous laser treatment which has a lot of advantages compared to traditional surgical approach such as:
- takes less than an hour;
- no need for hospital stay;
- minimal to no scarring;
- very short recovery time;
- 98% success rate;
- local anesthesia;
- immediate return to the normal life.
What is more, not a lot of people know about it, but vein deficiency is usually covered by insurance. So if your procedure is not just cosmetic, you may even save money since your insurance company will pay for your laser treatment. Our vein care center in Yuma, Arizona, accepts the majority of insurance plans. If you have any questions about the insurance coverage or other financial options, please contact our office at (928) 323-0028 or fill in the form here.
Other services of our vein clinic
Laser treatment is typically the last resort that you may not even need yet. First, our doctors will fully assess your condition and work out a treatment plan that will match your goals and budget. Besides endovenous laser treatment, our range of services includes:
- Comprehensive treatment plan
- Conservative management
- Radiofrequency closure
- Sclerotherapy
- Foam sclerotherapy
- Ambulatory micro-phlebectomy
If you have varicose or spider veins, leg pain, swelling but not sure what option to go for, dial (928) 323-0028 to have a quick free vein screening consultation over the phone!
Why you should choose our vein treatment center
Our top specialist Dr. Paul Larson MD, RPhS is on the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine and has two national certifications for the treatment of vein disease. Over the last seven years, he has been putting a lot of effort and dedication into the management and treatment of vein disease. And if there is any other proof of his professionalism and commitment, it is the success stories of our happy patients!
Schedule a Screening
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(928) 726-8346 today!